Saturday, April 20, 2024

Let the Corn Grow - Compound Interest


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Mar.4:28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.

One of the best ways to accumulate wealth is through the effect of compound interest i.e. interest paid on interest or other people’s(bank) money making you money.

Mat.25:27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming, I should have received mine own with usury.

If you imagine the soil is your bank or investment portfolio and you plant one kernel of corn in it, you will see results, first a leaf, then the formation of the ear and finally the ear full of kernels.

What prosperity meant for JohnWesley.


In my office I have piles of donated clothes to be distributed to those in need. Most of these clothes are brand new designer labels with price tags still attached. So much wasted on stuff never used. Looking at those heaps of clothes reminded me of a sermon by John Wesley I read some time ago. In it, he called on his listeners to use their money wisely and with care. It became known as his trilateral sermon because it stood on the three points of his summation, “Gain all, save all, spend all”.

And Wesley was a man who practised what he preached. He believed that when it came to making money, there was no need for the Christian to take a back seat to the world. His philosophy was that Christians should be diligent in earning as much as possible and there was no reason for them to be ashamed of it. Wesley was a hard worker who spent little time at home, always on the move, spreading the Word, sleeping on hard floors, and even reading and studying on horseback while travelling between towns and villages.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Secret of Caleb's Success


The story of Caleb is well known. One of the original twelve that were sent to spy out the land of Canaan and, with Joshua, made up less than 17% of those who voted to trust the Lord. Unfortunately, although the majority saw, tasted and touched the good of the land, they failed to believe in God for the possible. He must have been deeply disappointed. But he decided to wait, believing his time would come.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

I want to be like Simon Peter

The conversation at a church group meeting turned to characters of the Bible and the question was asked, “Which one is your favorite?” A surprising number immediately responded, “Peter!” I had expected to hear names such as John the Baptist, Paul, Esther, Joshua, Caleb, Elijah, Mary or Joseph, but the name 'Peter' rang the bell of popularity. He is obviously a favourite amongst believers and with reason; the most common reason for choosing him was, “I can identify with him.”