Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Secret of Caleb's Success


The story of Caleb is well known. One of the original twelve that were sent to spy out the land of Canaan and, with Joshua, made up less than 17% of those who voted to trust the Lord. Unfortunately, although the majority saw, tasted and touched the good of the land, they failed to believe in God for the possible. He must have been deeply disappointed. But he decided to wait, believing his time would come.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

I want to be like Simon Peter

The conversation at a church group meeting turned to characters of the Bible and the question was asked, “Which one is your favorite?” A surprising number immediately responded, “Peter!” I had expected to hear names such as John the Baptist, Paul, Esther, Joshua, Caleb, Elijah, Mary or Joseph, but the name 'Peter' rang the bell of popularity. He is obviously a favourite amongst believers and with reason; the most common reason for choosing him was, “I can identify with him.”